Governor Kemp wants tort reform. Democrats say his ideas are thin and vague.

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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp invited more than 500 business owners, franchisees, and doctors to the Gold Dome Thursday morning as he described his wishes for lawsuit limits and tort reform. He believes it will reduce insurance rates statewide. Governor Kemp’s plan will make it harder for the public to sue businesses for accidents that happen on their property but not because of direct negligence. That is part of Kemp’s premise of promising tort reform. Examples of torts are slips and falls in a hotel shower, a fender bender in a drive-through line, or a deadly shooting in a convenience store parking lot after hours. Additional examples are car accidents or medical injuries that lead to lawsuits.Albeit, this legislation is not public, Kemp says Senate Pro Tem John Kennedy will carry the bill. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp hosts a press conference on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. (Photo: Itoro N. Umontuen/The Atlanta Voice)“Grocery stores, hospitals, road pavers, small business owners, truckers, restaurants, mom and pop stores, retailers, gas stations, doctors, childcare facilities and hardworking Georgians across our state are all telling us the same thing,” Kemp said. “Georgia needs tort reform and they need it...