Hidden Gems in Black History: How Did Hush Puppies Come About?

Parenting/ Health

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Let’s Explore What Exactly A Hush Puppy Is  These little morsels are crafted from a thick cornmeal batter and cooked until they have a crispy exterior. They are bite-sized and have a golden brown color. Picture these delicious doughnut holes accompanied by smoky BBQ and fish fries. However, the original meaning of the word “hush puppy” was really different. “Hush, puppy” wasn’t always used to refer to fried cornmeal balls. On the contrary, it referred to “pot liquor,” the leftover liquid after cooking beans or greens (such as collard, mustard, or turnip greens). Making a soup from this nutrient-dense liquid is as simple as adding salt, pepper, and smoked meats. The Origins Many people believe that hush puppies originated in the south of the US, most specifically in the state of Louisiana. As a side dish, these dumplings made of cornmeal or wheat flour are often offered in Southern cuisine. There are several widely held beliefs on their genesis tale, while the precise details are still up for debate: Some people think that Confederate troops in the American Civil War were the ones who came up with the idea for hush puppies. “Hush pups” came from the legend that these...