How Ta-Nehisi Coates broke free of liberal Zionism

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The United States is the single most powerful supporter of the Israeli settler colony. The US government heavily arms and gives political cover to Israel, and considers the people at the mercy of its aggression as America’s enemies. And president after president, Republican and Democrat, has enabled Israel to commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, and even genocide with total impunity. The current genocide Israel is committing in Palestine is legally and morally placed at the doorstep of the US. Therefore, what happens in the US – especially when the political mainstream begins to wake up and see Zionism for the apocalyptic genocidal fanaticism that it is – matters for world peace. Zionists – whether Israeli or American, Christian or Jewish – do not like the prospects of that awakening. New MEE newsletter: Jerusalem Dispatch Sign up to get the latest insights and analysis on Israel-Palestine, alongside Turkey Unpacked and other MEE newsletters As the racist and colonial nature of Israel’s regime became more widely recognised, the experiences between Palestinians and the African American community also became more prominently linked, especially in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement. Over the last year, several outlets – from The New...