‘I’m Gonna… Shoot You!’: Video of Chicago Cop Sticking Gun to Black Man’s Face While His Head Is Pinned to Ground By Other Officers Sparks Outrage, Calls for Officer’s Firing

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A viral video showing a group of Chicago police officers aggressively arresting a Black man reveals a white officer punching the man three times in the face while holding a black object in his hand.& The cop then pulls out a gun and holds it against the man’s face for several seconds, telling him, “I’m gonna f–king shoot you!” before re-holstering the gun. The cop then approaches the witness recording the video and shoves him with his walkie-talkie while telling him to “get the f–k out of my face!” – even though it was the cop who had walked up to his face. A Chicago police officer named Michael Donnelly was caught on video punching a Black man in the face. (Photo: Instagram screenshot/mysonnenygeneral) That cop has been identified as Michael Donnelly, a veteran cop with a history of complaints and disciplinary action against him, including twice participating in raids on innocent families. The man he was punching is Lorenzo Williams, 32, who was charged with unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, resisting or obstructing a peace officer, and aggravated assault of a peace officer.  The incident took place on July 30 after Chicago police said they spotted...