Is there hope for the child welfare system or is it doomed?

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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(The Dallas Examiner) – Black children and other children of color are vastly overrepresented in the child welfare system, making it an enduring engine of inequality and structural racism.“We do need to do a lot of different things, but I think the system that we currently have was set up to be a racist system, and it’s doing as it was designed,” said Roxanna Asgarian, independent journalist and author on child welfare and the law. & Related Stories More than half of all Black children in the U.S. experience child protective services investigation, compared to less than a third of White children. And 10% of all Black children will experience a removal and a placement within foster care, according to the National Institutes of Health. & “What you see is that the group that is most disproportionately represented in the child welfare system are Black children, Native American and American Indian/Alaska Native children,” Jooyeun Chang, program director for child well-being at the Doris Duke Foundation, explained during the Can the Child Welfare System be Saved? webinar, hosted by University of Southern California Center for Health Journalism. The webinar looked at the profound inequities and problems that have long plagued child...