Latest effort to block school ratings cracks Texas districts’ once-united front

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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(The Texas Tribune) – A legal effort to block Texas from releasing school performance ratings has created a divide between district leaders who worry the scores are an inaccurate representation of their work and others who say parents need the information to make choices about their children’s schooling.A coalition of about 30 school districts recently sued the Texas Education Agency over the introduction of a computer system to grade the state’s standardized tests, which are used to calculate part of Texas schools’ performance rating. The year before, school districts filed a similar lawsuit arguing that the agency had raised too fast a benchmark that also goes into their score. Judges out of Travis County have sided with the school districts in both cases, ordering temporary injunctions that have kept the TEA from releasing the ratings for two consecutive school years.Related Stories The latest lawsuit has been met with wariness from some school leaders, a marked shift from when more than 100 districts saddled up for the first suit to create a unified front against the TEA.While the state’s hands have been tied from releasing ratings this year, some school districts in Bexar, Dallas, El Paso and Harris counties have voluntarily...