Men About the Culture: Jade Tinner Uplifts Black Men Through Safe Spaces and Opportunity

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Jade Tinner wasn’t surprised by the statistics. The disproportionate incarceration rates, the lack of representation in leadership positions, the negative media portrayals – all painted a familiar picture of the struggles faced by Black men in America. Jade herself notes that growing up, “the only positive male role model” was her great-grandfather, Lee Burton, who she affectionately called “PaPaw”.& “My great-grandfather set the standard at which I hold men to – provider, protector, loved his wife, daughter, grandkids and great-grandkids.” Seeing the state of Black men as she entered adulthood perplexed Jade as she wondered where the men like her great-grandfather had gone. But Jade had never been one to dwell on problems. She’s a builder, a believer in potential. So, she took action. “When I first went to Dallas I was trying to get acclimated& and find a niche,” Jade explains. “K104 did a Bowl-A-Thon and a young man got up and spoke about time living with his mom and her abusive boyfriend. At that moment, a light bulb went off,” says Jade. “Men go through things as adolescents and if they don’t get healing it shapes who they become.”& Jade heard this young man’s story and wanted to...