Mothering during the Summer
Parenting/ Healthby Toter 7 months ago 6 Views 0 comments
Mom with three kids"Summertime and the livin' is easy..." -GershwinIt's summertime and the living is supposed to be easy. My summer has been anything but.& It's had cloudy days, tearful nights. And questions, lots of questions. It has had lies and betrayals. And relationships that have eroded beyond repair. It has brought me to my knees. And, it has required profound resolve to remember life's true meaning just to make it through. And& required the maturity to do what is right despite what I may be feeling.It has been a lot. It has been incredibly hard. And, it has taught me that I am incapable of being broken. So, even though summertime ain't been easy, this life is to be celebrated. Because like Gloria Gaynor, "I will survive!" And, I have. I am even thriving.Being a working mom is harder in the summer...Kids enjoy summer and reach their own limitsThe three souls that have been entrusted to me give me great joy. And they are good because I ensure that they are good. Being their mother, planning their future, and loving them is a tremendous privilege. That said, I have also learned that love, however you define it, is not...