Natural Toothpaste Brand Faces Health Violations Over ‘Black Mold-like Substance’
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 month ago 31 Views 0 comments
Following a safety inspection, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to personal care brand Tom’s of Maine after discovering disease-causing bacteria, mold-like, and powdery substances in its products and facilities.
This year’s inspection at the facility cited several violations, including bacteria in water used to make toothpaste and bacterial growth in another type of toothpaste.
The FDA’s letter, published on November 5, revealed that an inspector found several types of bacteria in the water supply at Tom’s facility in Sanford, Maine. The inspection also uncovered a “black mold-like substance” and “powder residues” on or near pieces of equipment.
“It is essential that your facility is in a good state of repair and sanitary conditions are maintained to protect drug products from potential routes of contamination,” the FDA said in the letter.
The agency added that Tom’s of Maine “failed to follow appropriate written procedures, designed to prevent objectionable microorganisms in drug products not required to be sterile.”
According to NPR, among the bacteria identified were Paracoccus yeeii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa—which can lead to blood, lung, and urinary tract infections—and Ralstonia insidious, which can cause sepsis.
The company said it ensures that its natural products are safe. It is...