One Secret to Working Mom Success: Finding Love on an Ordinary Day

Parenting/ Health

by Toter 8 Views 0 comments

We're deep in Women's History Month, nearly a month post Valentine's Day, the day reserved to recognize love. That said, as humans, we need to feel seen and valued. And, we need to feel love every single day. Sometimes though, as working moms, life gets in the way. We wind up running, performing and doing. And those actions make love hard to see.That said, if you open your eyes, you may find that you see love in unexpected places.& The other day, I found love in a cup of tea... So, last Tuesday, I went to make myself a cup of tea, which I do every day. However, that day, I found some lavender tea and lavender honey that I received from my mother on my birthday. I decided to make it. Usually, I drink unsweetened tea. That day though, I made the tea and added the honey. And, I sipped it slowly.& I don't know if it was the heat, sweetness, or the the slow rhythm of drinking it. However, it made me feel good and made me remember the love with which it was given. And, I smiled. Isn't it fitting that in the midst of Women's History...