Partnering Later in Life: How to Do It Right…or Better

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 41 Views 0 comments

Truly committed love the second time around (or the third, or the fourth…no judgment) can be so sweet. You are wiser and able to make better choices, even if they don’t always result in success. You realize you are a work in progress. You have picked yourself up and dusted yourself off after your fair share of breakups. You know what you are seeking in a mate and what you won’t compromise on. You may be set in your ways but are open and responsive to letting love soften any heart of stone that you may have. Thanks to years gone by, you are a winner adept at living with or without serious romantic, intimate, and significant adult relationships. So, how do you chart the unfamiliar territory of a new love journey for two after being out of the game for a while? It starts with truthful communication with yourself. 1. Say what you mean so you can ask and receive it Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, but don’t forget about being honest and upfront about what you need. Likewise, don’t be closed off to surprises that turn out to be blessings. Your perfect love connection...