Preserved by Purpose:   Spiritual PTSD: Strength After the Battle

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This week, we conclude our look at Spiritual PTSD – Purpose, Strength, Trust, and Discernment by exploring how they work together to strengthen us after we experience spiritual warfare.  Just like those who have experienced the trauma of a real-life battle, one of the most important steps after a spiritual warfare battle is to focus not on what we’ve just experienced but rather on what is to come.  The challenge with this is that often the PTSD sufferer is reminded at unplanned times of the trauma which makes it hard to remain hopeful and future focused.    Sometimes, it can be a word, a person or a similar scenario that reminds us of the experience or worse, has us relive the worst of the trauma.    Rather than focus on the lingering effects of the trauma, we should try to develop the coping skills that will help us manage the unpredictable emotional triggers.When it comes to spiritual warfare, it is important to develop the coping skills necessary to move forward and not get stuck in the emotional aftermath of spiritual warfare:  regret, bitterness, confusion, or anger.   Managing our spiritual warfare PTSD effectively can have some positive results: Purpose – We are reminded...