Prominent graffiti tags causing headaches for Lethbridge businesses

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Graffiti is causing headaches for some local businesses. In recent months, Wayne Tytula, owner of Brio Salon Spa noticed an increase in graffiti tags in the area and predicted it would be a target. “I knew it was probably a matter of time before we also got hit, and sure enough a couple of weeks ago on a Friday night we were tagged as well,” said Tytula. On February 8, a neighbouring business to Brio, Paramount Printers, caught the vandal scaling their building to tag the salon. “We a have security camera in the back capturing the gentleman with an expandable ladder and he made his way up on the roof in the middle of the night,” said Co-Owner of Paramount Printers, Courtney Gregson. “Took him about an hour.” Story continues below advertisement Similar-looking graffiti has appeared along 3rd Avenue and in the downtown in recent weeks, with many of the works tagged 2024. While an obvious effort is being put into vigilante artwork, the illegal acts aren’t necessarily appreciated. “As a local artist, graphic designer myself, I’m a bit biased about the graffiti that’s been going on in the city,” added Gregson. “Visually it’s quite appealing, from a standpoint...