Rapper-producer Rapbaum celebrates hip-hop culture and streak of 2,000 daily song releases on June 1 at Café Istanbul

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For Austin Rapbaum, consistency is key. It’s his brand: If there’s something you enjoy doing, figure out a way to just show up daily, he says. So in late 2018, the New Orleans-based rapper and producer, who performs as Rapbaum, gave himself a challenge. He was going to make time every day to create and post to Soundcloud a new instrumental song. He hasn’t missed a beat, and Rapbaum’s catalogue of daily tracks now sits at 2,036 as of May 30. He believes it’s a world record for longest streak of daily music releases and has an application in to Guinness World Records for verification. “I think every person should, whatever you love to do, find your level of consistency that you can maintain,” Rapbaum says. He works with a lot of different artists as a producer and DJ, Rapbaum adds, “and the biggest way I see people fall short is they try to do too much and they do a great job for four to six weeks, but then they get exhausted and they fall off and they lose a lot of their progress.” On Saturday, June 1, Rapbaum will commemorate passing the 2,000th daily track mark as well...