Reliable Graffiti Protection


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Do you want long-term protection against graffiti soiling? A property-specific anti-graffiti maintenance concept is the best first step. This involves inspecting the substrate, material, graffiti, graffiti tags, previous damage and soiling and defining a suitable maintenance programme. The location of the property, the type of surfaces or the materials play a key role. If the façade is heavily soiled due to its street location, this is just as important a factor as if it is frequently smeared with graffiti due to its exposed location or is subject to graffiti attacks and tags. Rolling stock is a particularly popular subject because the ‘works of art’ can no longer be assigned to their place of origin and can be made more widely visible. In these cases, the assessment by our experts at BIOforte proves its worth. Anja Mannartz, COO Bioforte GmbH, said: “As a Swiss company, we rely on the high quality of our products and work. Customers such as Deutsche Bahn, Swiss Federal Railways and numerous other railway companies, as well as a wide range of local authorities, public organisations and private companies, rely on our many years of experience in a wide range of areas. Our ISO 9001/14001 certification will...