Republicans Use Democrat Strategy to End Biden’s Campaign

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 40 Views 0 comments

The following article, Republicans Use Democrat Strategy to End Biden’s Campaign, was first published on The Black Sphere. I wondered when, ok if the Republicans would grow a pair and decide to get Joe Biden. I have publicly chided the party for getting Conservatives worked up, as we know Joe Biden and the rest of the Bidens are crooked. Yet, nothing happens. Though frustrated, I theorized that Republicans could be playing opossum.  I hope that they would allow the Democrats to become a little bit pregnant with the Biden candidacy, then drop the hammer. It seems that may have been the plan all along. Republicans have had Joe Biden by his tiny Leftist balls for over a year. Plenty of irrefutable documentation exists that proves Joe Biden knew about the Biden family businesses. Moreover, he profited immensely from those businesses. Yet, the public got Butkus. Well now Congressman James Comer provides more details about Biden family corruption, apparently from Devon Archer–Hunter Biden’s good friend and business partner. Watch the latest video at Because of this new evidence, House Committee on Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky. announced a new legislative motion that aims to unveil financial information related to...