In this month’s Take Charge of Your Health Today (TCYHT), we’re focusing on the critical parenting role of Black fathers, including the support they need to pass along their own confidence and resilience to their children. Engaged Black fathers are supremely important to their children’s health and well-being long after the children grow into adults.
Joining us with insight on this health topic is Carlos T. Carter, President & CEO of the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh& &
TCYHT: Carlos, fatherhood has been an area of focus for the Urban League.& Please share with us some of this history as well as recent efforts.
& CARLOS:& Core to our mission is empowering families and communities, which includes a strong commitment to supporting fathers. Since our inception 106 years ago, we’ve worked to remove barriers and connect men to jobs, housing, and opportunities to achieve economic self-reliance.
For example, in the 1960s, our local Urban League was part of the coalition that worked to create Operation Dig. This initiative was the first large-scale construction apprenticeship program in Pittsburgh aimed to provide jobs for Black men.
The Urban League in Pittsburgh also has a long and proud history of...