The 4 Best Exercises For Sexy Arms And Back

Parenting/ Health

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No more being afraid to wear a chic sexy sleeveless dress or tank top because you’ve got a bad case of the arm jiggles. Of course, you can’t just wish for this to happen, you’ve got to work it! So, work it you will. Here’s what you need to tone and firm the jiggle zone. Let the sculpting begin! You’ll need to be fully loaded with:     Motivation and determination     Dedicated time on your schedule – you need to do your strengthening exercises twice per week over 30 minutes     Floor workout mat or towels     A few hand dumbbells and/or elastic tubing     Access to a gym is optional Cardio: Although emphasis must be placed on weight training, you must be doing your fat-burning cardio as well. Aim to stay as physically active as you can every day. Schedule a 400-calorie cardio session four to five days per week incorporating intensity intervals. Pushup and Sculpt-up This nifty little exercise actually works six muscles at once – biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, abdominals and glutes. Get onto all fours on a mat or fold three towels – one placed under each bent knee and one where your forehead will touch the ground. Kneeling on the...