In the heart of Indiana, a youth football league is making a significant impact on the lives of young athletes and their families. The Indy Firehawks, founded three years ago, have established themselves as an organization worth watching.
However, they aren’t just making plays on the turf; they are making changes in the Indianapolis community. The Indy Firehawks are more than just a football league; they are a family. The organization provides a safe and inclusive space for young athletes to develop their skills, learn the values of teamwork and sportsmanship and have fun.
Offensive coordinator Christian Cantrell of Indianapolis is a passionate coach and devoted father who has been instrumental in the Firehawks’ success.
“Our goal is to create a positive experience for every player,” Cantrell said. “We want to teach them the fundamentals of football, but we also want to instill in them the importance of values like hard work, dedication and respect.”
Cantrell’s son, Caiden, of Guion Creek Middle School, also plays football.
“Football taught me a lot about teamwork and sportsmanship,” Caiden said. “I didn’t just learn from my dad. I learned from all of my coaches, my teammates, I learned great lessons from everybody.”