The fight against voter suppression
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 5 months ago 12 Views 0 comments
(The Dallas Examiner) – Voter suppression is a plan designed to deter citizens from exercising the right to vote. It is a tool that experts say has been used in recent elections. Some states have enacted strict voter ID laws, limited operating times at polling locations and illegally purged voter rolls.The Dallas Voter Initiative is a non-partisan organization that is working to increase voter registration and turnout rates and combat tactics of suppression.Related Stories
The Initiative began with the desire for the already-established Houston chapter to expand throughout the state of Texas. Casey Thomas, vice president of the Texas NAACP and former Dallas City Council member, was tapped to lead the expansion efforts. Joining him in the establishment of the Dallas chapter was Dr. Jennifer Wimbish, community volunteer and president emeritus of Cedar Valley College, and Dr. Levatta Levels, Dallas County precinct chair.The Initiative operates from a voting precinct perspective. The goal is to get organizational pillars of the community such as churches and Black Greek letter organizations to partner with the Initiative to spearhead voter efforts in each Dallas County precinct.“One of the key components with the Dallas Voter Initiative is partnerships. My contribution is to provide the map...