To Be Equal: Louisiana regresses into Medieval era

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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(—“This new law is solely vengeance and lacks any evidence of effectiveness and is aimed at a despised and powerless population that already is subject to dozens of draconian post-conviction collateral consequences. There is virtually no evidence that increasing punishments will have any impact on sexual recidivism.”—St. Francis College sociology professor Emily Horowitz Not to be outdone by other southern states trying to regress to the Jim Crow era, my home state of Louisiana is trying to regress to the Medieval era. A barbaric proposal to allow judges to sentence certain convicted sex offenders to surgical castration passed the legislature and awaits Gov. Landry’s signature. Louisiana would become the first state with such a law, joining the ranks of nations like Pakistan and Nigeria. The bill has been compared& to the Tuskegee Study& and Josef Mengele’s experiments at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Child sexual abuse is a heinous crime with devastating consequences. It is also the crime with the highest rate of perjury or false accusations. In recent years, Orleans Parish in Louisiana has been called the wrongful conviction capital& of the United States, with 10 times the number of exonerations per capita than the national average. And Black people are& eight...