Treating the Treatment: Overcoming the Side Effects of UC Meds
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 4 months ago 27 Views 0 comments
If you or someone you know has ulcerative colitis (UC), it’s pretty clear. The disease is not fun. While it can be treated with diet changes, lifestyle shifts, and alternative approaches, many people with UC end up on medicine.
For Black patients, who often face worse outcomes from UC, medication may be an important aspect of appropriate treatment.
Except for one problem. As effective as these commonly prescribed medications may be, they’re not without their share of problems. In fact, many side effects exist, and some of them can get pretty nasty!
So let’s cover the waterfront, and discuss the main medications, what side effects they cause, and what you can do about it.
Aminosalicylates (5-ASAs)
5-ASAs are medications used to bring down inflammation in the colon. The problem with that is, that they can also trigger headaches, nausea, stomach pain, and even kidney and liver dysfunction. Sounds like fun? Well, here’s the good news: you’ve got options.
Dealing with stomach issues? Antibiotics are one way to handle harmful bacteria that may be causing your gastrointestinal discomfort. If liver dysfunction is your problem, consider checking your liver for issues. Get regular tests and always talk to your doctor about medicine...