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Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 5 months ago 14 Views 0 comments
(TriceEdneyWire.com) – We are living through Donald Trump’s third consecutive run for the presidency, and nothing should surprise us during this year’s campaign. For those of us who are not Trump supporters, we should be used to the name-calling, lies, racist attacks, bullying, hypocrisy, corruption and total incompetence displayed by the Republican nominee. I have Trump fatigue, and my personal decision to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris was already made prior to last week’s presidential debate. Before and during the debate, the contrast between Harris and Trump was crystal clear. The contrast was reinforced as Harris made a compelling and powerful case to the American people.Related Stories
People who said they needed to know more about the vice president were given a preview of the future versus the replay of the past. Harris is no longer in the shadow of President Joe Biden. During the debate, potential voters saw a woman poised and ready to serve as the nation’s next president and commander-in-chief. Republicans are also taking note of the relevant contrast between the candidates. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, a fixture in the Republican Party’s establishment wing, made the personal decision to support Harris for the White House....