What a woman who was rescued starving in Shakahola thicket told the police, something that has really caused mixed reactions among Kenyans

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Shakahola Forest Massacre has continued to bring kenyans to a standstill as the police continue to rescue those believed to be pastor Paul Mackenzie’s followers who have been starving to death to meet their creator through alleged fasting mission. However here is what the woman found starving from the thicket told the police who rescued her. Screenshot According to the reliable source , the death toll has continued rising from Shakahola forest as today the police or rather the security officers have rescued a woman who was fasting to death in a thicket as they wanted to help her the woman declined help saying that she doesn’t want to be rescued at all. At the same time, according to the photos seen online from a reliable source online, the police officers and red cross helped her despite her declination as they hope that she will recuperate well in hospital. Meanwhile several bodies have been unearthed from the forest as death toll keeps on rising each day. Interior cabinet secretary has also promised to get to the crime scene as he deploys more security officers to search for other bodies. For such news stories read more on mugwenunews.com or call +254740637248...