Why Are Lunchables Even on The School Lunch Menu?
News Talk
By Aziah Siid | Word In Black
(WIB) – Kraft Lunchables, the prepackaged mini-meals that fed generations of children — and some adults — are a popular, convenient option for schools feeding students from low-income families.
But the familiar yellow packages could disappear from free-and-reduced lunch options after the advocacy group Consumer Reports found Lunchables meals contain abnormally high levels of sodium and lead. The group is urging the Department of Agriculture to remove the Kraft Heinz cheese-crackers-and-lunch meat product from schools.&
“Lunchables are not a healthy option for kids and shouldn’t be allowed on the menu as part of the National School Lunch Program,” said Brian Ronholm, director of food policy at Consumer Reports, which launched a petition to the USDA.
But Kraft Heinz insists Lunchables are safe and should remain on the National School Lunch Program menu.
“All our foods meet strict safety standards that we happily feed to our own families,” Lynsey Elve, a Kraft Heinz representative, told The Washington Post. “Lead and cadmium occur naturally in the environment and may be present in low levels in food products. We are proud of Lunchables and stand by the quality and integrity that goes into making them.”