Winston-Salem State University Creates Pathway to Nursing Degree for Salem College Students
Educationby Toter 6 hours ago 11 Views 0 comments
Winston-Salem State University, a historically Black educational institution in North Carolina, has recently signed an agreement with Salem Academy and College, a local women’s liberal arts institution in North Carolina, to provide aspiring nurses with an accelerated pathway to a bachelor’s degree.The agreement will provide three guaranteed seats into Winston-Salem State’s accelerated bachelor of science in nursing degree program for eligible Salem College students every year for the next five years. Through expanding access to nursing education, the two partner institutions aim to strengthen the local and broader healthcare workforce“Winston-Salem State has a proud legacy of producing outstanding nursing professionals. By joining forces with Salem College, we are leveraging our collective strengths to make an even greater impact in healthcare,” said WSSU Chancellor Bonita Brown. “This collaboration also underscores our shared commitment to addressing the critical nursing shortage impacting both the state and the nation.”The post Winston-Salem State University Creates Pathway to Nursing Degree for Salem College Students appeared first on The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education.