Would You Invite Your Doctor to the Cookout? If Not, it’s Time to Find a New Provider
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 8 months ago 44 Views 0 comments
Have you ever met someone who just gets it? Like, they understand your humor, your sarcasm, your lifestyle, your not-so-good moments, your challenges? Those are the kinds of people that you should keep around. The ones who get it.
Just as it’s important to connect with people who understand your experience, finding a healthcare provider who does the same is crucial.
Would you invite your doctor to the cookout? If the answer is no, let me tell you why it’s time to find a new healthcare provider.
According to new research, Black people experience better health outcomes and live longer in areas with more Black primary care doctors.
Here’s why:
There are no racial bias when providing care and treatment options
Black doctors can relate/hear our questions and concerns differently, than white primary care doctors
Instant trust / Black patients believe that black doctors have our best interest at heart, which they do
Respect goes both ways
Empathy / We share very similar feelings
Looking for a doctor that you can relate to? Click here.
The benefits of having a Black doctor:
Lower mortality rates
Lower mortality rates for Black infants
Better health and longevity
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