Your Voice: Should the President have immunity from criminal prosecution for any laws they commit while he or she is in office as Donald Trump asserts?

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Tyrone Griffin Hiram “The president should not be immune from any illegal activity because if he or she is undertaking illegal activity, then he or she is representing the country. There should be no immunity for illegal activity. That’s why they call it illegal. So no president should be immune. If the president has a concern himself with the illegality of a decision, the decision should not be made. Illegal decisions are still illegal, regardless of who makes it.” Taylor Tales Atlanta “I think that the President should be [eligible for] prosecution and not immune because if he’s immune to prosecution, what is he capable of [when it comes to] what passes as a law? What if he decides to execute a law [against] a certain group of people? That could lead to a genocide, or anarchy. He’s now immune [from the responsibility of] the damage that he’s caused and, literally, it could cause the country to break.” Sexton Chapman Conyers “I feel like, that’s an ill-advised concept. You know, in elementary school we learned about checks and balances. It’s one of the first things we learned that we do [as a people.] If a party of any one of...