Category : Community Forum

Community Forum / Forum Talk - 1 month ago

‘We Should… Remove Blacks from This Planet’: White Students Sent Messages Fantasizing About Killing African-Americans While School Leaders ‘Turned a Blind Eye’ and Ignored Rampant Racism, Lawsuit Says

A Colorado middle school principal’s effort to extricate himself from a civil rights lawsuit that alleges he shares responsibility for racial discrimination against Black and biracial students at his school was denied by a U.S. district judge. Ca...

Community Forum / Forum Talk - 1 month ago

‘We Should… Remove Blacks from This Planet’: White Students Sent Messages Fantasizing About Eliminating African-Americans While School Leaders ‘Turned a Blind Eye’ and Ignored Rampant Racism, Lawsuit Says

A Colorado middle school principal’s effort to extricate himself from a civil rights lawsuit that alleges he shares responsibility for racial discrimination against Black and biracial students at his school was denied by a U.S. district judge. Ca...

Community Forum / Forum Talk - 1 month ago

‘This Coward Shot My Son’: MMA Dad Inflicts Fatal Vigilante Justice At 5-Year-Old’s Birthday Party Against Man He Allegedly Believe Was Involved In Murder Of His 23-Year-Old Community Leader Son  

When your child is murdered in cold blood, it can change you as a parent. No matter how moral or dedicated to being a positive member of society you are, questioning everything you believed in that’s good is inevitable.In certain instances, the loss...