Category : Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

News / Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs - 6 months ago

No one is above the law!

( – From the time Donald Trump was brought to our attention by running for United States president, we began learning more about him.& Whenever someone runs for office in America, no stone is left unturned searching for infor...

- 6 months ago

Democrats face big problems without Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell’s retirement will have major impact on the Democrats. Behind the scenes, Democrats scramble to replace him. What a miserable Republican leader of the Senate McConnell has been. Whether Republicans had a majority or a minority, McConne...

- 6 months ago

Passes: Black Power Trailblazer Charles V. Hamilton, 94

Reflecting on the profound legacy of Charles V. Hamilton, Stacy M. Brown celebrates the transformative influence of the esteemed political scientist on the discourse of racial equality and social justice. #CharlesVHamilton #BlackPower #CivilRights #...

- 6 months ago

Former Old Dominion Univ. President Co-Authors Book On HBCUs

Delve into the comprehensive analysis by former ODU President James Koch and Dr. Omari H. Swinton on the legacy, challenges, and potential of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), shedding light on their pivotal role in higher educat...