Crockett Statement on Police Murder of Sonya Massey

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Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (TX-30) released the following statement on the murder of 36-year old Illinois resident Sonya Massey, an unarmed Black woman killed by a sheriff’s deputy after calling 911 to respond to a possible intruder in her home.“Like so many in the Black Community, the murder of Sonya Massey is yet another devastating reminder of the unjust battles our community is forced to live through each and every day. A mother, daughter, and friend to countless individuals—Sonya Massey should be alive today but for the excessive use of force and inexcusable behavior of an officer with a questionable law enforcement tenure.“Time and time again, our communities—particularly the Black community—are asked to put faith and trust in our institutions, especially law enforcement, that they will be there to protect us in our time of need, just like Sonya did when she called 911 for help. And time and again, this trust is broken.“The typical sentiments of shock and pained devastation deeply diminish the repeated pain the Black community feels watching the final moments of one of our own online, and the persistent fear that we have that we or someone we know might be next.“While I support the Springfield State’s...