How Much of the U.S. Health System Is Failing?
News Talk
By Anissa Durham | Word In Black(WIB) – For many Americans, the nation’s health care system is broken — and the gaps in access to care and insurance are impossible to ignore. But how does health care in the United States compare to other high income countries?In a& recent report& by the Commonwealth Fund, researchers compared the health system performance of 10 high income countries, including the U.S.RELATED:& Here’s Where to go for Better Health CareWhy does this matter: The U.S. is a clear outlier where health system performance is significantly lower. Data continues to show that Americans are not getting their most basic health care needs met — resulting in poorer health outcomes.The 10 countries in this report include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the U.S. In terms of access to care and health outcomes the U.S. ranked last and ranked second to last when it comes to equity and administrative efficiency. The only high performance ranking the U.S received was for care process.!function(e,n,i,s){var d="InfogramEmbeds";var o=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];if(window[d]&&window[d].initialized)window[d].process&&window[d].process();else if(!e.getElementById(i)){var r=e.createElement(n);r.async=1,,r.src=s,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,"script","infogram-async","");Barriers to AccessIn a& drug price series& by Word In Black, Black Americans living with type 1 diabetes face heightened barriers to access affordable medication, insurance,...