Trump Has Republicans in the Best Position Ever
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 3 months ago 58 Views 0 comments
The following article, Trump Has Republicans in the Best Position Ever, was first published on The Black Sphere.
If you’re a Republican, grab the popcorn because things are getting spicy. We’re not just kicking butt and taking names – the Democrats are kicking their own butts, and we’re just handling the name-taking.
What’s I love most is we Republicans have a superbly flawed candidate who mimics real life. No more goody-two-shows like the Mitt Romneys who portray himself as presidential, yet represent the worst of republicanism. Enough of those stick-up-the-ass RINOs. We’ve finally ditched the stiff-shirted “Romney Republicans” with their fake presidential air.
Trump? He’s the anti-RINO. Real as it gets. The more he’s persecuted by the swamp creatures, the more the public sees him as a hero of the people.
Trump flipped the script on Democrats on wealth and in other ways they can’t recover; unless they actually change their evil ways.
The America public down to its core knows what Democrats and Kamala Harris represent. Four more years of puppet leadership, and an America run by unelected NWO cabal members who rig elections for sport. I can only imagine the NWO underground who gather to watch elections around...