Category : Lifestyle

Lifestyle / Hot Topics Talk - 7 months ago

Get paid to test new vaccine

Contributed Springdale, Ohio — Velocity Clinical Research, 375 Glensprings Drive, 2nd Floor, Cincinnati, 45246, Phone: (513) 671-8080 Research studies are crucial, especially for developing vaccines to protect older adults and people with unde...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 7 months ago

Sexy Over 60: Finest Celebrity Dads

A lot of people think being old is the end of the line. The wrinkles, frown lines, sagging skin, all that bad stuff. Well, that’s not always true! We see beautiful women like the ageless Angela Bassett or the timeless Cicely Tyson (may she rest in...

7 months ago

Super Tuesday: You Decide the next Fulton County Sheriff

The Atlanta Voice interviewed all four candidates earlier this year at The Atlanta Voice office. Election Day is Tuesday, May 21 Kirt Beasley announced her candidacy for Fulton County Sheriff. With over 23 years of experience in Law, she said sh...